It used to take me waaaaaaaayyy too long to shoot a simple video. Like an entire day. Ridiculous. Now I have my system down and it takes much less time. Here’s my process:
1. Have the content ready.
I use a super-simple Post-It note system on a poster board to keep track of content ideas.
2. Stick to the process.
Each piece of content gets it’s own Video Checklist sheet that makes sure I don’t skip a step in the creation or promotion of the video.
3. Batch record.
I have my set up the night before, wake up, get ready, and hit the ground running to batch record my videos. I don’t do much editing, so once they’re recorded, they’re pretty much ready to go. I use QuickTime and edit in Camtasia if needed.
And that’s it! Now I can pluck out a video in a reasonable time (a 3 minute video takes about 3-5 minutes of actual sit down, hit record, process video time -this doesn’t include brainstorming content, posting or promoting).
Much more do-able!! And that means I’m way more likely to actually hit record and get something out there!
Do you want the video checklist mentioned in the video? Get it as part of a quick-start package when you sign up for the 10 Day Visibility Challenge (starting soon).