Sandy Donovan

10 Day Visibility Challenge

Get all of the guidance and support that you need to overcome the fear, confusion and overwhelm and finally execute a video marketing plan for your business.

Join the Challenge!

So you wanted to start doing videos... but wow, that stuff is harder than it looks!

This challenge might help you if...

1. Some days (ok, more than some days), you work in your work-out clothes (that never made it to the work out)

2. Trying to record video is an epic feat that requires kicking everyone out of the house (which, let's face it, isn't going to happen), checking the mailman's schedule (so the dog doesn't bark and ruin it), ?and actually getting your hair and makeup done in a reasonable amount of time. 

3. You feel so awkward speaking to technology that you take a God-awful ridiculous amount of time to record what should have been a 2-3 minute vlog post (which is now more like 15 minutes of rambling). ?