One of the reasons I avoided using video in my business earlier was that I felt like I didn’t have the time to build up my Youtube channel.
(That, and I really struggled with recording and editing at first. You can read about that here.)
But the more comfortable I got with video, the more I started putting a little here and a little there, and pretty soon, I was using video in multiple aspects of my marketing campaigns. And, as it became easier and easier to make, it was also easier to share.
If you need ideas for using video in your marketing, here are 15 ways that you can incorporate it without having to post every day, or spending all of your time building a Youtube channel.
Video ads are working really well for me right now, and I intend to take full advantage of them before Facebook decides to change the rules on me again. Right now, I’m paying about $.04 per view and under $1 per click. That’s much lower than I’ve ever gotten on other types of Facebook ads (and I’ve run them since 2013).
Video stands out in the Facebook feed, but if your goal is to bring potential customers back to your website, you don’t want to give it all away right on your page. I like to use a short (20-30 second) video as a teaser. It’s like a mini commercial with the goal of getting the click.
If you have a small list and don’t want to spend a lot of money on ads, try posting video in Facebook groups. It’s a great way to showcase your personality and stand out in a crowded space. Just be sure to check the group rules so you don’t get yourself kicked out.
Since I’ve had a podcast, I’ve fallen in love with live interviews. It’s a great way to connect with other people in your field and build your own credibility and list at the same time. You can post interviews in various places, but a great place to create them is inside Blab. It’s a live video stream that makes it easy to create interviews and interact with your audience, all at once. Check out my Blab tutorial here.
The more you can connect with your audience, the better. Live streaming is the closest thing we have to actual conversation on the internet in a mass forum. Live streaming is quick and easy to do and has the potential to reach a lot of people, including a new audience.
Spiff up your usual blog post with an added video. Don’t stress about having a word-for-word video. Absolutely no need. Think of them as complementary and similar pieces, but not identical.
Even if you don’t want to make vlogging a regular part of your marketing plan, you can still take advantage of Youtube’s search abilities and massive amounts of traffic. Do a little digging to find your ideal keywords and post away!
When people land on your homepage, they want to know more about you. Since you usually send cold traffic to a landing page, by the time someone makes it to your homepage, it’s because they want more. Showcase your brand personality and introduce them to your page with a short video.
I love my video opt in pages! Right now, I’m getting a much higher conversion on my video opt ins than on pages without. If cold traffic is popping by, give them a way to differentiate you from your competitor. Although you can use copy and design, video is another great way to stand out and give them a taste of your brand.
And once they’re in, welcome them into your community. Let them know what to expect and get them excited about engaging with your content and hearing more from you!
Once someone jumps up, raises their hand and shouts, “I want to hear more!” What better way to let them get to know you than through video? A free video course is a great way to deliver information that they’re craving while also letting them get to know your brand and personality.
Another form of post-opt in video, but with a live component. Events are exciting and fun for your audience to attend. They come with built in urgency, plus it’s a two-way communication street. If you want to build a deeper relationship with your audience, webinars are a great option.
If you’ve used video at an earlier marketing stage, your audience should be warming up to you by now. When you’re ready to ask for the sale, you can use a series of videos to build excitement around your product.
And then close the sale with a sales video. Place it on your sales page to build credibility and trust and give your audience an opportunity to watch, listen or read your sales page.
Now that your lead has officially converted to customer, keep them excited with a welcome video. Even if you’re selling a service, a welcome video can get your client excited to work with you and set the stage for what’s to come.
There you go. You’ve just moved your audience from meet and greet to convert to customer, all with video.
Now that you have some ideas, it’s time to record! Check out the free video toolkit that is now available. It’s full of tools that work seamlessly together. It’s the first step toward conquering video marketing in just 15 minutes a day!